I'm a city girl

It has taken me a long time to learn this, but I'm a city girl. I romanticize small-town living every time I'm visiting relatives but when push comes to shove, cities are the place for me. I love walking/biking to get around. I love the diversity. The culture. The access to lots of cool and free events. The people of all shapes, sizes and colors in a small space forced to interact. I love saying hello to strangers and taking note of who responds and who ignores. St. Louis was my first taste of urban living and I loved it. Now that I'm living in the heart of Denver the "city girl" in me is confirmed. I can't wait to test drive a "real" city like Chicago or New York.


  1. Cool! I've been meaning to ask how you've been doing these last few weeks. Glad to hear you're liking where you're living so much!!

  2. You should do a world tour: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_proper_by_population_density

  3. Thanks Perspective Detective and good plan The Nerd!!


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