Wall of Comedy and Shame

Just a collection of work related funnies that got stapled to my wall over the last few years to create a fun collage. My favorites are where I screwed up. So saved a visually version of it so I wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Included in a shop drawing for Concrete Mix Design. FYI. This doesn't need my approval. Whatever it is

Marketing Postcard for Civil Engineering Services

Sperm parking! Thankfully this one didn't get built

More importantly...Why are we freezing the dead animals?

From boss to me. I was told I could use it as a one-time coupon when he was expecting too much :)

Not accurate. Just funnin'

Noooooo. I didn't. Inside joke - AutoCAD is hard

Way too long of a manual to learn specifications software. But the clipart is fun!

That one time we got complimented by a federal government reviewer. Thanks yousayse!

Redundant data is redundant

Note to self: Units Matter. A Lot.

That's...that's not where the building goes


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