Tuesday Inspiration: FISH Philosophy

The week started a little late this week with a 3-day weekend! Wahoo! Know what that means? A 4-day work week. Double Wahoo!

Since working at the Griffin Center I've heard about the "FISH Philosophy" several times now and finally this morning I asked what it was all about. A fish house in Seattle started this by trying to create a better experience for their customers with 4 key concepts:
  • Play
  • Make Their Day
  • Be There
  • Choose Your Attitude
Now there is a whole curriculum and books and DVDs and all sorts of junk you can buy to help bring this philosophy into your workplace. Apparently Southwest Airlines uses this in their business models. My sister has raved about Southwest for years now and I just took my first flight with them and as much as I hate to admit it, their excellent customer service and cheerful attitudes really did make the whole flying experience much more pleasant.

I think it's a pretty great way to work...and live!


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