Wall of Comedy and Shame - Plan Review Edition

Just a collection of work related funnies that got stapled to my wall over the last few years to create a fun collage. From my days at MSD Project Clear mostly in the development review department and some from the program planning department.

Accela vomited alotta permits

It's a cul-de-sac. Get yer mind outta the gutter.

My mom found some quotes for my college graduation :)

Safety Minute about Ticks 1

Safety Minute about Ticks 2

My favorite shitty pun :D

Haiku from Erin

Will the building smoosh the sewer or nah?

This is correct way to create an arrow in Adobe

Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange FTW!

"strapped plumbing"

Hand-labeled, stickered, and taped envelope for a gas card with $5 whole dollars on it lolololol

perpetually broken printer

Trying to explain "print to pdf"



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