Junk to Explore

This is an ongoing list of books and movies and stuff I need to watch/read/explore: (feel free to offer suggestions!)
-"Story of B"
-"The Old Ways", Gary Snyder
-"Compassion in Action"
-Mother Jones magazine, Jane Butcher
-"Catch 22"
-"Pedagogy of the Oppressed", Friere
-"Getting to Yes", Ury
-"Eat, Pray, Love"
-"Privilege, Power and Difference", Alan Johnson
-"Infidel", Ayan Hirisi Ali
-"A Different Mirror", Takaki
-"A Young People's History of the U.S.", Zinn
-"One Giant Leap", film
-Brandon Tina
-American History X
-But I'm a cheerleader
-The Harvey Milk Story, Kakow
-The Selfish Gene, Dawkins
-I Am America, Colbert
-Playful Mind, Downton
-Nanny State, Harsanyi
-a year of Living Biblically
-Winners Never Cheat: Everyday Values we learned as children but may have forgotten
-Peaceable Kingdom, movie
-The gospel of the flying spaghetti monster, book
-Lake of Fire, documentary
-The Parties Over, book
-Blue Gold, book
-40 days and 40 nights
-sons of men?, movie
-a wrinkle in time
-The satanic versus, Salman Rushdie, book
-There Is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind.
-The Golden Compass, book and movie
-peace army of costa rica
-institute for heart math
-freedom is an endless meeting
-conflict web
-web of inner being
-local communities versus global
-places not worth caring about
-fields of fuel, documentary
-dead men walking, movie
-bring it on, movie
-beyond the call, documentary
-life cycle of a non-profit
-god's problem, book
-traces of the trade, documentary
-dark matters, book, by paul levitt
-about war, children's book, alice walker
-unweaving the rainbow
-Nothing: Something to Believe In by Nica Lali
-geography of nowhere, James Howard Kunstler
-Selzer reads an excerpt of "The Surgeon As Priest" from Mortal Lessons
-peace of cake, swati kaushal
-milan halek
-documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
-Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Separation of Church and State … but Were Afraid to Ask!, documentary
-Be Kind Rewind, movie
-Myths to Live By, Joseph Campbell, book
-the giver
-Arthur C. Clark
-Night, Elie Wiesel
-40 days, 40 nights, dover trials
-post atheist
-science debate 2008
-woody allen
-JS/Craig Fergison
-WEB Debois
-human rights watch
-losing faith in faith
-spring poem-yip harbos
-inherit the wind, movie
-scopes trial
-sand oil
-new york times-feb 23, HNN
-the atheism tapes
-beyond the fringe
-a breif history of disbelief
-big daddy bagel shop-dustin
-arther miller (plays)
-the women's room", book
-gender neutral/unisex
heroes, rogues and lovers (book)
-warped passages, lisa randall, book
-Dinner with Osama, Marilyn Krysl
-Final Salute, A Story of Unfinished Lives


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